Thursday, January 7, 2010

If vegetable oil is made of vegetables, and olive oil is made from olives, then what is baby oil made from?

The fallacy in your question is that vegetable oil, in the USA, is another name for soybean oil. Soybeans are legumes and not really classified as a vegetable.

So your punchline... doesn't not follow either.

Looks like you need to stop trying to be funny... Don't quit your day job. You'll never make it as a comedian.If vegetable oil is made of vegetables, and olive oil is made from olives, then what is baby oil made from?
LOL funny. Cheer up ppl! Report Abuse
If vegetable oil is made of vegetables, and olive oil is made from olives, then what is baby oil made from?
Thanks for the points, but I'd rather have a kiss. lol :-) Report Abuse

I have a funny story for you.

In some underdeveloped countries they have to show pictures of the product on the label so people will know what it is.

When Gerber marketed to one of these countries they didn't change their packaging. The baby food jars showed pictures of smiling white babies.

People were up in arms because they thought these jars had pureed babies in them.

I thought of that when I read your question. I learned that in college in my international business class.

I have another one for you. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? Also if a quiz is quizicle, then what is a test?

Have a good day:)
Gee like that hasn't been asked 1000 times on YA LOL

To follow the rules I will answer it , mineral oil not babies
When mother and father oil get together, it makes baby oil.
It's made from baby olives and tiny vegetables.
Mineral Oil.
Babies? no, just kidding. Minerals I think. I am not sure.
Trust me, nothing edible :-D
No offense, but this is the 100th time this question has been asked on Yahoo Answers.
Ha ha ha Why is it called cured ham- What did it have to be cured for?

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