Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why would sweet potatoes rubbed in olive oil catch fire in microwave oven?

Olive oil has a relatively low heat resistance comparied to other oils, so it doesn't take long for it, at say 400* in an oven, to begin to burn. Probably the oil itself burned, which caught the potatoes on fire.Why would sweet potatoes rubbed in olive oil catch fire in microwave oven?
you haft to clean the top of the microwave there was probably left over splash's of old food -----you got to wash the top like the sides and bottom plate or you kept the potatoes in to long they only take 8 minutes--but more then likely there was left over splash's top the microwave to catch a fireWhy would sweet potatoes rubbed in olive oil catch fire in microwave oven?
The oil burnt.

No need to rub in oil. Just wash well, prick 10 or so times all over w/ a fork, and nuke as-is.
Sweet potato is quite high in sugars and moisture, which combined with the oil in the microwave caught.

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