Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do you get out an olive oil stain on a dark blue, 100% cotton vintage t-shirt?

My daughter gets salad dressing on her clothes all the time. Nothing worked until I tried Dawn dish soap. Apply to oil and let it sit a while, then launder as usual.How do you get out an olive oil stain on a dark blue, 100% cotton vintage t-shirt?
I always used baby powder. Sprinkle it on and allow to sit a while. The powder absorbs the oil. I have used it on silky blouses and such before with great success.How do you get out an olive oil stain on a dark blue, 100% cotton vintage t-shirt?
shampoo works g8 for grease
I have found that shout works great on greasy or oily stains, especially butter or oil based dressings. Just put it on and let it sit for about 5 minutes, then launder as usual. Works great and doesn't fade the color!
first cornstarch, wash it, then dish wash liquid, wash again
the cleaning product greased lightinig. It gets out any oil based stains.
sope and water

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