Friday, December 18, 2009

Can you use soybean oil and olive oil mixed to kill earmites in cats?

I read in the natural pet health blog that you can use olive oil and mineral oils to kill earmites in cats but I have soybean oil and olive oil mixed would this work and be safe for my cats or do I have to use the olive oil only?Can you use soybean oil and olive oil mixed to kill earmites in cats?
You shouldn't use anything of the sort! You should go to the vet and have the earmites treated properly! Using that holistic crap is dangerous and doesn't work, all you'll end up with is a pissed off oily cat!Can you use soybean oil and olive oil mixed to kill earmites in cats?
you can buy real ear mite medication at a pet store like petco.Natural remedies are overrated and unnecessary get some stuff that will work
Two years ago I got a large orange long-haired cat from the shelter. At his first vet visit, the vet said he had a lot of ear mites. I asked the vet about two drops of olive oil in each ear to rid the ear mites. The vet answered saying that it's best to have a vet treat the ear mite problem - especially when the infestation is heavy. After the problem has cleared up then 2 drops of olive oil (only) is good for a preventative measure for an outdoor cat. My cat is doing great and the ear mites have never returned. [I would never use any mineral or soybean oils on a pet]
Don't do it. Even though this is a home remedy, this is (probably) for people that live in the country.

Best of luck to get them removed.

THEY'RE A PAIN...........I KNOW.
mineral oil and soybean oil are 2 different things. Mineral oil is found by the peroxide and rubbing alcohol. It is in a white / clear bottle and is no more than$2.00. your local walmart will have it.
why oh why people think all this old wives crap works geee go 2 vet nutter for sake of yr cat
just do exactly what the instructions tell you. that is what they are for
sorry never heard of it
old wives tale,take it to a vet.
if u truly love your cat , take it to the vet

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